
What our Clients are Saying about us

“Where I Was Meant to Be”

Dr Musielak and her staff have been so kind and been a God send to me in my weight loss journey. She is so helpful, listens and always takes her time with me. I love that about her. I could tell from the very first visit I was where I needed to be and she was in my corner. I highly recommend her if you are having trouble losing weight and not meeting your goals. She will help you get there. I had a gastric bypass in 2000 and 2 gastric revisions, but never met my goal. Within 8 months of seeing Dr M, I had met my goal and lost even more! Give Dr Musielak a call she will help you lose the weight.


“On Time with No Rush”

I love going into a doctor’s office and having them run on time! Everyone
there is friendly and so knowledgeable about any questions I may have. And actually, having a doctor spend time with you and not be rushed is a bonus in this world!! I love Dr Musielak and the success we are having with my health!

— Pam

“Dr. Musielak is attentive, kind, compassionate and has a true passion for
getting her patients healthy.”

  • -Joan


Current Client

“Kind and Thorough”

Dr. Musielak was very kind and thorough. I felt comfortable discussing my health issues with her and was very impressed with her knowledge. She even made my virtual visit comfortable, which isn’t easy to do! I am thankful that she is in the St. Louis area.

— Chelsea